Patient Charter
The Carepoint Practice is committed, in consultation with its patients, to providing the highest standards of medical care. We believe the best way to achieve this is by working together.
To this end, we will…
Treat you as an individual and give you courtesy, respect and attention at all times.
Treat you as a partner in the care and treatment you receive.
Following discussion, provide you with the most appropriate care and treatment given by our suitably qualified team.
Refer you to a consultant suitable to you for hospital treatment or for a second opinion.
Give you full information about the services we offer, in particular anything which affects your health and care.
Give you access to your health records, subject to any limitation in law, regarding them as strictly confidential.
Maintain our premises to provide the necessary care including access for disabled patients.
Respect cultural differences of ethnic minorities.
To help us to help you we ask you to…
Ask if you do not understand or are unsure about anything to do with your treatment.
Give as much information as you can about your past illnesses, medication, hospital attendances and admissions, and anything else which is relevant.
Keep your appointments and tell us as soon as possible if you cannot keep them.
Only request a home visit if you or the patient is too ill to come to the surgery.
Make requests for home visits before 10.00am.
Only ask for a night visit when it is truly necessary.
Let us know if our standards fall so that we can put things right.